Friday, May 19, 2017

            the element of mystery is to develop a plot that focus on a crime that needs to be solved. make sure have a series of crimes that someone gets hints to solve to find the killer. the thing I like about mystery books is that there is always that one smart guy who knows how to do things you wouldn't imagine. i really dont dislike mystery because it filled with crime witch I like.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

  • What's the point of reading a fantasy novel/story? Or writing one? Why might we do it?
 the point of writing a fantasy novel/story is to make the impossible possible. The things that cant be done in the real world becomes real in our stories. having super powers and becoming tiny like ants or grow as tall as a giant is possible in fantasy. writing fantasy books makes you go deep into your desires and what you dream about and make it come true. we make these types of novels to creative a world where everything possible.